This is children in Haiti's recreation. Boats and sticks, it was pretty cool. I took this at the local market they have every Wednesday, it was incredible.
This image interests me because the colors are attractively warm, the composition and angle are confusing, and the focus is on the foot. Which so happens to be in the direct middle. This currently has the top 10% of the month in Fine Arts on Pixoto and got 1st place in photography at the Art Festival for my school this year.
Construction in Haiti. The wives were sitting on the side watching, because they were proud their husbands had work today, building a high school.
I love this photograph. Its so mysterious and intriguing. Two shots. Layered on top of each other. Copied. One flipped. Layered again. Success.
The focusing here is interesting, and the colors are gorgeous!
Entoine's feet in Haiti.


Classy. This is at Grand Central Station in NYC. The man in the turban that is blurry makes the shot; I love how antique it looks.

Leg clones. This was complicated, but that's why it is appealing.
I took this photo in Spring 2009. I love the explosion of light and color it has, and how the bee is focused on. It makes the eye wander around for the focal point. Also, the cropping is unique. This photograph was the first runner-up on for the whole website's winners of those 6 months. Being 14 at the time, I was pretty proud that I beat out grown, professional adults. :)

Singin' in the Rain, I love the abstraction here.
I saw this while walking by the pool, and had to take a photo of it. I love how you can see the sky in the reflection. The leaf is so sharp too. :)
I was just taking photos, and when I was editing them, this cropping just came to my mind. I tried it out, and really liked it. I tuned it to be high key and all. I like how the mouth, sunglasses, and eyelashes are very focused.
I took this in Fall 2009. I matched up the dandelion to the setting sun. I love this photo, it's hardly a few inches off the ground too. I subconsciously was laying in bugs that bit me up. It was so worth it though.
I LOVE the intensity of this cat's, Luna, eye. Its crazy sharp, colorful, and beautiful.

I love the colors here, and there are so many fish!
Traveling to the local market; it is amazing how much they can simply hold on their heads & for walking for so long. Taken in Jeremie, Haiti 2012
This photo looks good in black and white, I think. The perspective is unique, and let's the eye wander.

This is one of my all time favorites. I call it, "Cabinet Ballet", and it is of Emily literally inside a cabinet, posing her feet. This won a gold medal in the Art & Writing
Scholastics for my county,
CMS. Very exciting. A reason I love it so much just might be the fact that my grandmother had adored ballerinas so much, and I know how much she would have loved this photograph...
Kyleigh Keen's eye, I love how her lashes have spots of make up still on them, it looks cool.

Boys at the local market on Wednesdays.

This ballet beach picture is interesting to me, because the angle is low and looking up, and the colors are between black and white and color. This got 2nd place at the CDS Art Fest in 2011 in photography, yay! :)

I love this picture. Between the eye level reflections and the colors, it all adds up to be pretty cool.

Orphanage in Jeremie, Haiti.

Just sleeping at the top of a parking deck in the city. I like the odd sepia with the sun, very nice addition.
I love the perspective here. This is Alicia and I took this from around the corner of the pool table, and the lighting was really nifty. Cool colors.
Little Haiti girl throwing rocks in the ocean. Jeremie, Haiti 2012
Moth. Intense sharpness here, very cool. HDR!
This is one of my best, favorite photographs ever. I took this when I was 8 of my friend Bailey C., her sister, and her sister's friend. We were bored over the summer during adults' swim, so we messed around with my camera in the baby pool. I got this from it. And I have loved it ever since. I consider this snapshot, a "score."

Twisted. Uncomfortable. Lonely.
This picture is such a story. I took this in Jeremie, Haiti. This boy is trying to get back on his raft, and this guy drops the child's clogs and pushes him off by his forehead. I find this to be such a story because whenever someone sees this picture they think it looks sweet, but in fact its not, because this man took this little boy's raft and then pushed him off by his face.

Child's hand. Peas. Darkness.

The Carnival that is related to Mardi Gras in Jeremie, Haiti. They surrounded our bus with their singing and dancing, it was so exotic and amazing. [And also scary when one of the guys pointed a dagger a foot away from my face when I went to take a picture of him. Ahh.]

Crawling out of the dark.

I adore fish eye lenses, they make everything more intriguing.
I took this on a mountain trip when I was 8. I even remember the exact place I took this, and visited it this summer. This is the most outstanding example of creation to me. All the blues, the fantastic natural lighting, I could hardly edit this because naturally, its so darn incredible. ♥
This is a photograph I captured of George over the Summer in 2009. It resembles a water mohawk. I love the power in this photograph. He's a wild kiddo, and loves this type of energy. I love to snap pictures of him in the meantime. :]

New York City street, I hyped up the HDR and I really like the effect here on all the lines.

The fiery orange color of fireworks. Love it.
I like this perspective because to me its a little twisted, yet different. A different flower photograph for once. I like the colors too. I'm currently painting this in art class.

"I whip my hair back and forth"...This is of Rachael and the image was caught at the perfect second with the strobe light right behind her hair, making a interesting, nifty effect.
This is photograph of Brianna Osbourn that I took in 6th grade under my pool. I like the composition and how her hair has that bright, colorful color to it. This was first place in the Art Fest for 6th grade. Even though Brianna isn't a big fan of this photo, I am. Whether you believe it or not Bri, its pretty. :)

This slow shutter with sparklers was great! I love summer.
I took this in the Summer of 2009. It was after my cousin's party, and Mom, Dad, and I were heading home. I asked to them stop right before we were leaving their neighborhood. I got on the ground [this one was standing though] and took many pictures. It was successful. I like this in black and white, just because.

The color in this photograph POPS! I love it. I think of a magazine model here.

Candlewick girl.
I call it that because she is jumping and her head and body are on the ground, but my camera caught her hair separately in the air, making her look like a candle. I put it in black and white for more confusion and insight. Hehe.
This is one of my favorite shots because its all together, eye catching. ;D The excessive mascara, each sharp eyelash, the blueness of the eyes, the liner, the alertness, and every single detail being noticeable because its so sharp. This is Rachael Snapper, taken in June 2009. (This ranked 2nd out of 21 on Macro Photograph of an Eye on

This is a picture of
Wessy and Essie. I think it symbolizes the phrase, "A man's best friend is his dog." It's a cute picture, and something out of the norm.

Taken in the mountains of summer 2010. I love the antique look of this photo, the sepia really sets off the vibe of peaceful wind.

Family in Haiti.

Mosaic art on a wall, it looks like a broken porcelain clown doll-face.
This is a shot of Kylie S. at our volleyball swim party, I find this, awesome. Its just cool, and minorly intense.
I tried many times to get this shot. I finally did. I really like this, in the action and a lower view. :]
Reflective. I added some purple to the water to give it that, confusing edge.
I came up with this idea randomly, and applied it. I used 'multiple layers' on Picasa 3's collaging. I thought this came out pretty neat. I especially like this in black and white. It is definitely different.
Brandon Kirkley and the Firecrackers. Taken at The Fillmore, downtown NC.
Its eyes are so intense and guarded, its eye catching.
Strobe. Party. Awesome colors.
My little cousin June on Christmas looking at the pet bulldog.
This just screams summer. In an edgy way.
I was taking these original shots for fun after school on Spirit Week, and I one day I was messing around with collaging with them, and just started layering one after another. It came out like this. I only used Picasa3, its the only editing I have/use. I like a lot. This is retro. (:
This reminds me of the early 1900's, yet its a Dr. Seuss play. I love this photo because the black and white here just makes it seems mysterious and definitely actress-like.
Nicole. I like this in general, its, different. The supposed meaning is a mystery here.
I took this in the mountains' summer of 2010. This is (I think) a catapillar, on a very neon leaf.
So many colors. ♥

Jennica. One of the local children in Haiti.

This looks like it could be an Urban Outfitters photograph. I enjoy the colors here, they definitely give off a sunset feel.

Downtown. The yellows pop, and the semi-slow shutter makes the cars look like dashes of light, pretty cool outcome.
This will capture your attention. This was a vampire for-fun-modeling with Rachael. I edited it plenty to give in the Halloween vibe. I like the eye make-up branch and strong lip color. The brick lines also help the shot have some bright contrast.
I took this in the Summer of 7th grade. These girls I didn't know where making a sandcastle on the beach, I composed it, and *click.* I like this in black and white because it adds age to the photo, which I always love.
Took this in the hallway of Spirit Week, this is the senior class' decorated hallway.
Okay this might be my favorite abstract shot of mine ever. It looks like something completely digitalized, not a pure photograph, but it is. The colors are awesome. And this is modern/weird.
B&W Ballet.
I find this image striking. I am not really sure why, but Mark's stern facial expression might be just that. I like the antique touch to this photo also.
Took this with a slow shutter of half flash, half not. I always like to see what it comes out like. Very mysterious usually. Like so.
I took this in Summer 2009 in a day trip through the mountains. I like this because of all the many lines. I think the best part might be the yellow part of the stairs :) I like it tilted, too.
This is of a lake and boat near my house. I really like the colors here. It seems like a typical nature portrait shot. It makes me feel professional :D
Most people would expect this to be focused on the eye, so I focused it on the nose. I adore how sharp this image is, it is one of my favorites. This is Nicole and George's kitty, Luna. Most beautiful cat I have ever seen, I love to photograph her.
Beautiful flower. The reflection, eye level view, and color are really nice.
I like the deep yellow touch here, and the silhoutte effect. The neutral emotions are nice as well.
I took this photo with Brianna when we around my old neighbor's many acres. The black and white does a nice antique job. I took this in 6th or 7th grade. I like the "emotions" through the sun, the tree's branches, and the swing. (I visited this place recently, February 2010, and the swing set fell off and is gone. :( Sadnessssss.)
The sharpness is nice, as well as the colors. Rose petals.
Self explanatory.
This photograph won first place in the Art Fest at CDS for 2008-2009 school year. [8th grade.] I took it in the kids I babysit's front yard on a rainy day when we were playing around, and this is one of the many shots from that day. I'm not so crazy about it, because its centered, but I suppose its a ok shot.
I like how unique this pictures is, the dulled colors, the perspective...But really George just fell and decided to stay there. But hey, that's what photography is, an unknown definition of moments.
I hope you enjoy this confusing awesome angel as much as I do. :)
Pearls and Diamonds. Oh, and excessively fancy make-up. I love designs.
I took this in October 2009 on a playground at my school's 10th Birthday Bash day. This is of Mark Erikson, his signature pose I think. But I like it because he laying on the monkey bars, and there's his hand. His body's in the sky, and looks like it's floating. I don't know, just rambling now. :) [I like this because I love to take photos of hands, its one of my favorite subjects to photography.]
This is my favorite shot from the Seussical, most the middle schooler's faces are in character, and its just a awesome picture. Especially with the vibrant colors.
I over edited this one. I like it that way, it looks, spooky.
Snow beauty.
Looking deep within.
I enjoy the colors here on the gray blackdrop. So bright! I think the crack in the cement wall sort of makes the whole photo.
I like the colors here. This was before a storm, and I put the camera right on the surface of the creek to get a "ant's eye view"
How do ya read this one?
Halloween riddle.
My mom told me there was a super green frog on a door outside. I went out there with a camera, SUPER GREEN FROG. Beautiful! I like how the back ground is simply a solid white backdrop, it helps keep focus on the frog.
This photo represents joy. Sammi Lawson, you are definitely a joyful person, it is shown through this lively, beautiful photograph.
Take a bow. I love the light colors! These kids worked so hard.
This is a abstract shot of stop lights and car lights with slow shutter speed taken in January 2010. So, it's pretty funky. It's like a mind twister with all the multiple lines and vibrant colors, I like it.
In art class I painted this in black and white, only a colorful sunset for them to be running to. I know this image pixel by pixel. This photo could interpret or symbolize many things.
My grandmother is remodeling her sitting room. They couldn't move the piano, so they worked around it and put some books on it. I thought it looked pretty. I like this photo, I don't have much of a reason why.
This photo sort of represents a piece of country. Plaid shirt, open land, and a helpful hand. The perspective of the hand is pretty cool to me. This photo of Wesley Gwynne and to the left is my old country house. (:
Ice on a fence, super edited. I think it looks pretty cool though.
This is positively a beautiful place in Georgia. I took this in 5th grade, I love it. Looks classic in Black and White.
I flipped this photo upside down. So the background looks really abstract.
I like the tuning depth of the black and white. This was taken in Spring 2010 on a bridge in the country part of Waxhaw. I like the fact that he's in mid-walk.
I like the floating hairs in the silhoutte. Beautiful. What I enjoy about B&W images, is how it brings out the beauty in something, and traps out all the distraction and focuses right on the main point.
This was one of my first photos I took in my yard when I moved into my new house. I love this tree, it's huge, and pretty. It looks good in black and white too. I took this when I was, 12 or 13.
This was my JCL [Junior Classical League] Project for 2009. It got 5th place in the state. This is of Kyleigh Keen, dressed as the goddess Aphrodite. I tuned it tons to make it, like a fantasy. It's sorta cool. :] (It was not taken on a snowy day.)
This is photo of my cousin Taylor; she stood still and whipped a lazor around her head on the golfcourse/backyard of my grandmother's house at night. I find this photo super creepy, and I love my slow shutter. :)
I feel like this photo gives off a powerful vibe. I love the positioning and the water.
I took this in the Spring 2009 in downtown. It was foggy day, and it looked nice in sepia. Lukas Godley's mother framed it and put it over their fireplace, I feel honored that she likes it that much :)
Playground. Silhoutte.
I love Gay Parades, don't you?
I found this outside the garage. A single leaf, with water droplets just placed on there. It was the strangest thing. It was so beautiful though. Of course, I had to take photographs of it. I like this because it sort of reminds me of the phrase "set in stone." I really don't know why. I like it in black and white too. :)
This was a complicated photo to get. I followed the deer, and when it saw me, it ran. I ran too. This is what I got out of it. I like this shot, because, thankfully it is focused. :) My only good deer photograph! I like the daisies. :)
Slow shutter, fast movement. Purple tint.
This is my favorite firework's shot of mine. Its vibrant, sharp, and sparky. :D I took this on July 4th, 2007.
This photo represents summer. Peace. Dancing. Sun. This is just a fun photo.
Nice colors and profile view. Fall 2010.
Some children at the pool left this behind on the sidewalk, I took pictures of it. I find it cool looking.
I like this in strong black and white because it looks good sharp. I also like the sun going through his hair. Coolness.
I like the mystery to this photo. This is of Nicole on rainy day.
I like the many vibrant colors here. Lots of primary colors too. :)
I really like how its focused on the shells and moving water and yet you can see the ocean blurred out in the background. It's a insect's eye view :)
Tulip. I got the lense inside the flower, and it became a macro shot.
Double-time flip. Even though this photo is centered, its likable. Sometimes its nice to go against what is gone against.
This was taken in Spring 2010 on the porch at my school. It was at sunset, waiting for the Night of One Acts. I like the colors and the different body postures. Y.M.C.A.
*Message.* It is for you to solely figure out.
Sammi Lawson's eye, beautiful eye. I love to capture simple, awesome things in life like this.
I like how the light is slightly shining through. It's also nice that my nails aren't chipped here.
This is like a flower hill to me. I love the vains of it being so visible, and the colors, so vibrant.
I took this at the zoo a LONG time ago. The gorilla wasn't so happy. I like this in black and white because it protrays power very well.
This seems like a typical flower shot, but I like it that much that I'm posting it. :) The colors are lovely.
Nicole in black and white with a dogwood in her hair, I like the serenity of this photograph. She is such a BEAUTIFUL young lady. :)
I flipped this photo to what is really upside down, so it looks better to me. I like the colorful orange rose, and then there being a gray backdrop, which is a pool.
Railroad track. Looks nice and antiqued. I like how you can try to see the distance and leads the eye.
This is my mom on a snow day. I sorta set her up for this one. I think it turned out decent, and spacious.
I like this classic look. It looks like it was produced in a black room. Cool.
Something out of the ordinary.
Frog on the door. I like its positioning here.
I adore the multiple colors here. Sure, it's centered, but it's still a decent shot, and different idea.
Vibrant butterfly photograph. I like how sharp it is.
I like this in black and white, especially the black part. It adds, mystery to it.
Sharp rose focused on a brick. Colorful!
This is Sammi Lawson's eye. We were modeling, AKA taking pictures, and I really like this image. It seems moving.
I took a picture of this lightbulb at the night, its nice to see the details of the bulb.
The ultimate ninja jump. That's the main reason I like this picture. It looks totally awesome. Took this over the summer of 2010 while waiting for the dollar theater to open.
Flower with rain.
I took this in the mountains, baby birds. I thought their eyes were precious. I tried to get a nice focus on those.
This isn't necessarily one of the best pictures ever, but this girl is so adorable. I met her through doing make-up for the Seussical Play, and I absolutely adore her. What a pretty girl.
This is a tree in my backyard, its rather massive, and I really sparked up the colors for it. Tada.
I do not really know what these are, but they were on a tree in my yard. This was on a snow day, and I really like the crispness and coloring.
I took this when I was 8-10 at my friend Bailey's creek. It was such a awesome creek, and this was obviously taken in the Fall time. I like the suns reflection/effect on the rapid water and the many leaves.
Lightning. This looks like it was taken with a really old camera, it adds a different, likable affect to it.
Tree. I like this perspective, its unique. This was taken in the beautiful Autumn of 2009.
I took this in Fall 2009. It was at sunset somewhere in my neighborhood. I love all the red leaves cluttered into the picture. :] (I like to plug in my iPod, go around the neighborhood, and take pictures. For hours.)
I took this photo on July 4th, 2007. My old, bad quality digital camera had a fireworks setting, and it was sooo fantastic. This was one of my favorites from that night.
This is Lukas Godley's eye in Summer 2009. It's super intense looking, he's pretty good at that. The black and white creates more intensity as well, thank you Lukas :)
This is a picture of a tulip, in the summer. It was a really sunny day actually, and it was bright yellow. By tuning it A LOT the background went solid black, and it dulled out the rest of the photo. I like this because, it's different.
I took this when I was about ten. It is my toy poodle Meeko in my mom's lap in the car while on the way to the vet. She knew where she was going. Although the picture's true feelings are hardly anything, you could read it to be a really powerful message from her emotional eyes.