This picture is not especially special, I just like the lighting and the location. This is out by the beach outside our compound in Haiti, mingling with the local children. Fish eye lense.
Floating model.
Graveyard stone.
Fun perspective and the black and white makes it extra mysterious.
Dark and confusing.
The purpose of the two pictures of smashed up paper above is more complex than just, dirty abandoned paper. I took the first shot in North Carolina in my school yard at the beginning of the fall. The picture directly above I took in an orphanage in Haiti in the Spring.
Grass vs. Clay
Moisture vs. Dryness
Pinecones vs. Rocks point being the differences of the 1st and 3rd world country, and how regardless of where you are and the conditions, people do/aspire to learn and write--and in the end we are all equally people.
Cave in Puerto Rico.
Love the lighting and sharpness on Mark's face. (And chest hair, I guess.)
Gated in.
"Find Me."
This is not a special picture, but I cannot resist the odd cropping and awesome sand lines.
Box fitting.
This picture is also in another place on this blog, but I also like this in both color and black and white, which is rare. The emotions in her face are too perfect to pass up the choice.
Dancing in the water.
I took this when I was about 8, this man flew over our house at sundown every Sunday night. It was his hobbie, and I found it so cool.
I like how the sharpness starts off close and fades away for the column.
Bird just hanging out right next to me. Taken in NYC 2011
Ferryboat taking off next to the Statue of Liberty.
This is a statue at my grandmother's house. A good amount of time ago, my mom's siblings knocked it over and it broke. She loved it so much that she glued it back together, and therefore it looks extra antiqued. I like the emotion of the statue itself.
Vains of a leaf.
Bird just hanging out right next to me. Taken in NYC 2011
Balloons my dad let go in our backyard off the neighbor's For Sale sign. He will never grow up. :) Since it is grainy, it looks like a old image, I like it!
Beauty with art.
Beauty with art.
Ferryboat taking off next to the Statue of Liberty.
Tree carving. Nice and sharp.
This looks like an old photo, I like this editing style.
I took this when I was about 10 years old in downtown Charlotte. I like it in Black and White, there's nothing significant about this photo though.
Tied up.
This looks like an old photo, I like this editing style.
Tied up.
Perspective. Urban Outfitters.
I really like this photo. Its has spontaneity, and the classic black and white.
Horse fence.
I have a image just like this in color also on the website, but I like how you can see the leaves vains well with the lighting.
BLACK AND WHITE-You can read so much from it. Even if its a perfectly happy moment, if you put it in black and white, it could potentially create a whole new emotional atmosphere. Its amazing what it does to it. I think it helps get a message through better because it cuts out the color and focuses on what the purpose might be. Just my personal thought.
BLACK AND WHITE-You can read so much from it. Even if its a perfectly happy moment, if you put it in black and white, it could potentially create a whole new emotional atmosphere. Its amazing what it does to it. I think it helps get a message through better because it cuts out the color and focuses on what the purpose might be. Just my personal thought.