The browns are cool here. This is the coolest cat I have ever seen. Also, the only one I have ever liked. Luna! She is such a good kitty model. I love this picture.
I love this sharpness. I absolutely adore the colors in this photo. Vibrant!
Mmm. Green lake. I was shocked how close this dragonfly let me get to it. (In other images.)
Horse in South Carolina, at my old home. Took then when I was 9, I think. Around there. Oh how I love South Carolina. It is a place to raise a child, the open country, not in the city or suburbs.
Meeko in the wintertime.
Feeding the sea creatures.
Ant's eye view of the beach with a big jellyfish!
Stingray camouflaged in the image.
Rabbit skull.
Lamb eating on a plant in Haiti.
Bears fighting.
Sheep in Haiti. Love that silly tongue
The orphanage in Haiti's turkey. It just walks around, its pretty awesome. Very interesting animal, it is.
This is the horses next to my old home. I took this when I went to see it one last time before it finally got sold after a few years. The trees were so tall, mm. I de-saturated it, for foggy effect. Love those horses. Taken, November 2009.
Love. Fall. Colors. ♥
William and Laura's carriage horse for their wedding. She was so beautiful!
Essie strutting through the snow. Winter 2008.
Spider web.
Huge spider, that I orginally walked into. o.o
ANIMALS AND INSECTS-Truely amazing creatures. All types of looks. Remarkable.