Singin' in the Rain, love the colors.
Outside their hut.
Carnival in Haiti.
Coffee in the city.
Love the action caught.
View of Haiti from tiny plane, love this.
Finding yourself.
Splash, so sharp.
Mysteries of a middle school girl.
Cool dark colors.
Make sure to look closely.
Hair flying
Classy-ness of the 20's, flappers.
I love all of the 3 images above of Jennica and her sister in Haiti. Such deep eyes they have its striking.
Swimming in Haiti.
NYC view at midnight over the Empire State building.
Reach and touch.
Taylor Swift concert, so pretty.
Marching band
Back stage set mover.
Right before landing in Haiti.
Haitian construction workers.
Love this. Not only is she balancing a stuffed basket on her head, but also holding a chicken while making conversations. So different to me, and fantastic.
Nicole and the cherry blossoms of the season.
Slow shutter, beetle hands.
Beautiful day. Sunny, blue and yellow, with a dancer.
Evening in PR.
Low view of ocean.
Hair flipping, summer time 2012.
Getting hit off the raft for getting his clogs.
Cool exposure and HDR.
"Flyin", Day 31 for Graphic Design class project. Really like how you still see my eye.

Sepia picture of William and Laura's wedding. I love the outfits here. This whole photo just seems antiqued. Fall 2008.
Sepia buildings in NYC.
Even though this is a joke, you can tell what they are portraying.
Sepia gazing in an alley.
Adore these blues and purples; BKTF.
Black and white with light purple touch, and blurry focusing.
Bruised But Not Broken.
Camille DeBrun in the Singin in the Rain.
River boy.
Kyle Hunkler and orphan, Entoine, in Haiti. <3 font="font" nbsp="nbsp">
Local Haitians about to go into the stormy ocean.
Sun warming.
Airplane view of orphanage.
Wonderful art teacher.
Old construction house.
San Juan.
Love the angle of such a beautiful Brianna.

Silhouette of Wesley after school. I found this prominent. I like how the sun shines through his hair, and the silver lining.

Color focused reflection. I like the nail colors, it makes it pop.

Bye Bye Birdie--"OH CONRAD WE LOVE YOU!"

Peacock feather.

I took this in 7th grade while on the Lightrail in the winter. I was just taking a picture of the seats and such, and he got up just as I clicked it. Caught him in motion. I don't know what to take from his expression, but I like it, unanswered.

On the way to Windy Gap 2009, Wes A. put on my headband, he pulls it off with that V-Neck.

Beautiful river in the mountains of North Carolina. 2010.

Freezing weather, bundled up, distance. Snow.

PEOPLE- There are so many kinds of people out there. Rich and poor. Joyful and distraught. Candid and posing. I cannot wait to go take photos of all kinds. I love when you take a picture, and the emotions be unknown. You never know what the emotion is in a photograph, it is as if you have to study it. I enjoy that.