This was one of the most magnificent sunsets I have ever seen. Winter 2009. The colors are amazing, this was hardly editable. In fact, I didn't really.
Its fun diving into the ground to snap an ant's eye view shot. The de-saturating the photo for the coolness effect.
Dandelions fuzziness, with the sunset behind it? Mmm. I like the lighting. <3>
Oh how I love the color of sunsets. I enjoy this silhouette!
Green and yellow.
Ducks! (:
Egg yoke of our world. It would be bitter without it.
Blue and yellow silhouette.
My pre-school. Hello, moon.
Sunset at downtown Charlotte, NC. Taken in Fall 2009.
So many colors. Mmm. The sky, it looks so endless, that it is positively magnificent.
SUNSETS-Its that time of day, where you feel most alive. The sun is setting, and the moon is appearing. The sun turns a special, different yellow, that is only exposed that one time in the day. It affects everything in its path, making its more beautiful. I adore sunsets.