The immensity of these colors blows my mind. The sharp ripples of the ocean and colors of the currents. This was taken on the way to Jeremie, Haiti. We had just taken off from Port Au' Prince in a tiny plane. If this was how beautiful the picture looks, imagine what our eyes saw. Sadly, no matter how amazing photography is, it cannot capture moments as eyes do.
The beautiful, natural rocks of the world.
Lure Beach, NC. Such a beautiful shoreline, like all shorelines.
I. Love. Nature. Fall 2009.
I love this, the field is totally lit up. I like how the dandelions are all glowing. Sunset.
Mountains with the sun reaching through the sky with streaks.
Hay and daisies. Oh the summer days.
Perfect reflection, with still water.
Nice purple-y touch.
Trees in Haiti.
Lovely Haitian landscape.
Waxhaw antique.
Interesting eh?
Waterfall at South Mountain. Nice coloring!
Beach in Puerto Rico.
Cave in P.R.
Think about this one. :) Defy the rules, and do what you are called to.
Green, sunset, beauty.
I took this when I was about 12. I had 160 tries before I got this. Lightning!
I wondered why there was crosses there, but I figured it would make a decent does.
I enjoy the sharpness of the leaves, and how vibrant it is! Green. ♥
Beautiful river in the summer, sunset mountains of North Carolina.
The creek was SO blue... beautiful nature.
Looking down on a plant after watering it.
Very sharp.
Reflection of nature.
An upper view.
Old, abandoned chimney in the winter in SC.
Fall leaves are so beautiful...
Sunset on Valentine's Day 2010.
Faded colors of the woods. It makes you see the outlines more, the capacity.
I like the matching background to the macro, shriveling berry.
NATURE-So beautiful. Indescribable, really. You can only see it for yourself. I love how photography can capture the things people look right over
I like how the water droplets look as if they are going to roll off the pedals. I also like the coloring.
The black and white is so strong and sharp.
Bold. Black and White.
Dead rose in the snow.
Lying on the ground and shooting up at the sun, is always fun. :D These flowers were pretty short, but they look large here. Summer 2009.
I adore how pink this is, and the flowers are endless.
Rain droplets slowly slipping off the leaves.
So bright! So edged.
My dog, Essie, sniffing a rose.
Icy. Frozen. Gray.
A nice, peachy color.
Bright pink and green.
I like the mystery in this type of shot.
Spring 2010.
Dulled colors of pink.
Purple, sharp.
Upside down cherry blossoms.
Orange. :]
Flower in the sunset. I love the sharp outline, its distinct.
FLOWERS-There are too many kinds. Too many colors. Too many wonders.
Love these colors.
Fall time.
Palms in Puerto Rico.
I took this at a pond across from my old home in SC when I was eight. I have always loved this picture.
I took this photo when I first got my Nikon. It was Christmas morning! This was one of the first images I snapped. Very different angle. It looks like a trunk, then with arms. To me. :] It won first place in a "Trees" Competition on a while back.
I like this blur. And in Sepia? Creepy.
I like the strong tuning here. So strong.
This was taken in town of Waxhaw, NC. A beautiful tree, especially in black and white. :)

Black and white.
Looking up at the height of the extremely tall tree.
This pictures is not anything great. For one, its centered. I like this because the fuzziness was natural, it was mist on my lenses from the snow and rain. I just like how it seems foggy right around the tree.